The Cosmic Witch Part 9

Written for Coven life

By Priestess Hypatia



Mercury pentacle 4th for blog

The 4th Pentacle of mercury- Seal of Solomon


Continuing from the previous post of aligning with Universal Powers for effective magickal practices…….

In this post I will be discussing the 7th of the Sacred Seven (in no particular order) that I have been mentioning in the previous posts.

Here I will be talking about the final planet of the sacred seven and not in that order, the planet Mercury. Ruling over Gemini and Virgo it is the planet that influences the intellect and of communication and therefore the element of air.

Mercury the planet is androgynous and neutral, it is neither masculine nor feminine, neither positive nor negative, taking on the qualities of whatever aspects it comes into contact with.

The Planet

Distance from Sun: 57.91 million km
Orbital period: 88 days
Length of day: 58d 15h 30m
Mass: 3.285 × 10^23 kg (0.055 M⊕)
Surface area: 74.8 million km²

The God

In the Ancient Roman World Mercury was the equivalent of the Greek God Hermes. The swift-footed messenger God traversed between the upper and lower worlds and his origins can be traced back as far as 13th– 15th Century BCE.

The many associations of Mercury include that of fertility, communication that include writing, messengers, trade, luck, and thievery. He was the patron saint of merchants, business people that were involved in all types of trade. The staff of Hermes, the Kerykeion is recognized as a symbol of trade and commerce and not that of medicine.

As the God of Medicine Aesculapius and His Rod is attributed to the arts of health and healing.

In the ancient Egyptian world he was connected to Thoth that is also connected with communication and responsible for writing the Emerald Tablet.

Planetary Magick Correspondences

Day- Wednesday

Colour– Purple, yellow and sometimes Orange

Element– Air

Gem stone– Opal, aventurine, moss agate, fluorite, and sodalite

Herbs– Almond, Anise, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vervain

Number(s): 8, 64, 260, 2080

Archangel: Raphael

Metal: Mercury (toxic), safe replacement used in modern magick is Aluminum, sometimes also Zinc is mentioned

Olympic spirit (ruler): Ophiel

Importance in Alchemy– Spells, ritual and charms


Due to Mercury’s speedy elliptical orbit, Mercury often appears to be going backwards, with frequent retrograde motions of about 3-4 every year. The good news is that these retrogrades are short lived, the bad news is that when they are in that motion they can at times wreak havoc in your life. Caution in signing contracts, breakdown in communication, avoid surgery, avoid travel, heightened anger, frustration, anxiety and of course the list of all your insecurities goes on. Now the majority of the time such retrogrades go unnoticed, that is until something happens in your life, then there is always Mercury retrograde if it does.

Spell Against Mercury Retrograde

If you are familiar with spell work you can try this to draw the positive aspects of Mercury during its retrograde. It encourages harmony, balance, protection and healing is such tumultuous times.

Spell work-

  1. Purple candle
  2. Anointed with frankincense
  3. Surround with your choice of crystals and herbs from the magickal correspondences above
  4. Light the candle and say:

‘My mind is a fortress, backwards Mercury, shall cause no deceit, nor damage. The light and stones shall save me’.

  1. When the candle has burned all the way down, and extinguished itself, take the stones, place them in a mojo bag, and carry with you as long as Mercury stays in retrograde.

Orphic Hymn

Below is a beautiful hymn or prayer to the great God Mercury- Hermes. Use this if you want to invoke the energy of Mercury- Hermes, use the planetary magickal correspondences for extra guidance and remember as with any spell work to understand, observe and respect the energies that you are working and drawing from and with.

Invocation/ Prayer to Mercury- Hermes

The Fumigation from Frankincense.
“Hermes, draw near, and to my pray’r incline, angel of Jove [Zeus], and Maia’s son divine;
Studious of contests, ruler of mankind, with heart almighty, and a prudent mind.
Celestial messenger, of various skill, whose pow’rful arts could watchful Argus kill:
With winged feet, ’tis thine thro’ air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse:
Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, in arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine:
With pow’r endu’d all language to explain, of care the loos’ner, and the source of gain.
Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God;
Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, and in necessities to mortals kind:
Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear;
Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, give graceful speech, and me memory’s increase.”

Orphic Hymn- #27

Celebrate Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere with Rituals



Image care of  Wicca Daily


Depending on your particular tradition, there are many different ways you can celebrate Imbolc. Some people focus on the Celtic goddess Brighid, in her many aspects as a deity of fire and fertility.

Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It’s also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities.

To continue reading about how to do Imbolc Rituals

Celebrate Lammas in the Southern Hemisphere with Recipes


Image from Wikipedia

In the Southern Hemisphere, we celebrate Lammas from 1-2 February. On the flip side of the world, the festival is celebrated on 1-2 August.

Lammas(Lah-mus) – Anglo Saxon – Festive of the loaves.
Lughnasadh (Loo-na-saw) – Irish Gaelic -This word roughly translates to Lugh’s Assembly. The god Lugh is known as the Celtic God of the Sun.
Lunasa (Loo-nah-sah) – Modern Irish – This is a more modern version of Lughnasadh.

To continue reading click on to: Lammas Recipes


Angel Advice for the week of 13 Jan 2020 Possible career change? By the Silver Sage of


Don’t panic, but you might be facing a career change. Will it all work out for you? Watch to the end to find out what’s about to kick off in your life this week!! Exciting, isn’t it!

♥Contact me for a personalized Angel card/Tarot card reading:

♥Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE & click the bell to be alerted when I make a new vid. Thanks 🙂

♥If you’re interested in expanding your world, your knowledge, then please FOLLOW my blog:

♥If reading is your thing, the books I’ve written are available for purchase on Amazon:…

Thanks & I wish you much love and happiness, the Silver Sage

Witchcraft today…Has it affected you?

Witchcraft today is going strong. Most people think if you are practicing witchcraft is has to be evil when in truth its actually how you practice it.

I am firm believer in practicing witchcraft and practice it in the light. I know most people get scared and walk away from you. Well, that has happened to me since I have begun this journey. I am also a spiritual medium and I have lost so called friends from finding that out.

Do I care? No, they didn’t deserve me in their life. Witchcraft and mediumship is very important to me. I live my life the way I want to and I don’t need anyone’s approval for that. Accept me as I am or I don’t or need you in my life.

So, has this happened to you? I am sure it has but you know what don’t let it get you down. Just keep going and hold your head up.

Blessed be,


Your Angel Advice for the week of 6 January 2020 is now available

Hi ya’ll! 2020 is movin fast! See how the Angels can help you, by clicking on the Angel wings below. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel.

You’ll also want to check out my BLOG! The link below will take you there. Be sure to click the FOLLOW button.
I wish you a wonderful Year!

the Silver Sage of

My First Spell and Ritual

I am moving along with my Novice lessons and I wrote my first spell and Ritual and I must say I have never been so excited.

I am a published author and when I sat down to write my spell and ritual I thought “Oh gosh this will probably be hard.” But I sat down with confidence and wrote them both within an hour. It was amazing.

I want to say that I love this coven and everybody in it. Lady B is amazing and always there for me and Priestess Hypatia is also amazing. I just want thank the Coven for being there for me.

This is my path. I feel so connected now and its bring the best out of me. So thank you Coven Life and Witches of the Craft for allowing me to be me.

Blessed be,


Mantras for the New Year

Happy New Year’s. I thought one of the best things for the new year is mantras. So, what are mantras? Mantras are repeating of words or sounds that is used to penetrate our unconscious mind. Usually they are chanting loudly but you can also say them silently or even listen to them.

So mantra for 2020 that I picked to post today is: “Believe in yourself, have faith, and remember you are important.”

Hope you practice this mantra to help you realize that you are one with the Universe and the 2020 is the year for change and you are the change.

Many Blessings,

Blessed be,
