Natural Magick


Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life



Some Definitions for a Better Understanding:

Natural– existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind

Magickexceptional skill or talent or the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

Practicalsensible and realistic in their approach to a situation or problem or likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible.

“Egyptians termed Nature Herself a magician, because She has the alluring power to draw like things by likes; and this power, say they, consists love; and the things that we so draw and brought together by the affinity of Nature, these they said, were drawn by magick”

-Giambattista della Porta


Natural magick is a practical way of transforming, transmuting and translating Natures divine code by understanding Natures miracles, respecting Her laws and working to the benefit of all and everything.

Philosophers, prophets, priests, priestesses, Druids and Chaldean’s all practiced the ancient art of alchemy that is now known as science. ‘For natural magick is nothing but popular science, cosmology, geology, optics, plant products, medicines, poisons, cooking etc’. In other words, magick is in the stones, the flowers, the stars the wind at dawn and the sunset at dusk.

Does all that sound familiar?

It should, as the above examples are some of the basic foundations of what a Witch does and has always worked with.

This knowledge has been passed down throughout humanities history making it accessible to the modern day magickal practitioner by observation, by recorded history and of course experimentation.

Natural magick is not just about amulets, chanting and spell work. It encompasses the philosophical aspects of nature and has attracted the likes of Theophrastus, Aristotle, Avicenna and Agrippa. For the inquisitive mind natural magick is unavoidable. Observation of Natures elemental matrix has stimulated some of the greatest modern minds as well that include Tesla, Einstein and Beethoven just to name a few. However, you do not need to be a genius to understand and practice natural magick, that’s what makes it so practical. You do however need to have an enthusiasm and curiosity for the natural world as it is through this portal that all the other dimensions of what we recognize as our alternate reality can be accessed. Understanding the foundations of Nature’s laws is not only essential but important for the ethical and moral practice of magick.

Throughout history and modern times, from the Shamans of Siberia to the Druids of the Isles, natural magick has woven its law into the tapestry of such ancient cultures giving birth to folklore, myth and legend.

In the continents of Africa, the Americas, Australia, Asia and Europe peoples understanding of the natural laws has allowed them to continue their Earth Walk since the beginning of time immemorial. They understand that it’s not about changing Mother Nature, it’s about assimilating and merging with Her.  Magick works because of Nature’s laws, not in spite of them.

Humanities quest to understand the laws of Nature have been long and arduous.

When one works against the natural laws the consequences are here for our observation, one being climate change, bringing on dis- ease of all that it touches from planet to plant to animal.

When one works with the laws of Nature the benefits are wondrous, including longevity, preservation, and conservation and good health of the planet and the persons. Such efforts are rewarded with Nature’s pharmacy of clean air, clean food, clean water, clean energy, and clean medicines (direct from Nature and not synthetically produced).

All we need is the ability to see it, understand it and apply it.

Our ancestors lived close to the earth, they held an intimate relationship with the Great Mother and through observation and devout worship they could predict the behavior of Nature and Her phenomena.

Did you know that……

The layers of a locally grown onion can indicate the severity of the coming winter. This is not prophesy, this is observation.

In the first of the series- I will be mentioning one of the greatest instruments of magick and where it ALL starts- The Magick of the Mind.

White Buffalo Calf Woman

This is one of the deities I use. I find that she is very close to me. Please read about her and let me know what you think.

To the Native Americans the birth of a white buffalo is a symbol of rebirth and world harmony.

One summer, long ago, the seven sacred council fires of the Lakota Oyate, the nation, came together and camped. Every day they sent scouts to look for game, but the scouts found nothing, and the people were starving.

Among the bands assembled were the Itazipcho, the Without-Bows, who had their own camp circle under their chief, Standing Hollow Horn. Early one morning the chief sent two of his young men to hunt for game. They searched everywhere but could find nothing. Seeing a high hill, they decided to climb it in order to look over the whole country. Halfway up, they saw something coming toward them from far off, but the figure was floating instead of walking. From this they knew that the person was wakan, holy.

At first they could make out only a small moving speck and had to squint to see that it was a human form. But as it came nearer, they realized that it was a beautiful young woman, more beautiful than any they had ever seen. She wore a wonderful white buckskin outfit, tanned until it shone a long way in the sun. It was embroidered with sacred and marvelous designs of porcupine quill, in radiant colors no ordinary woman could have made. This wakan stranger was Ptesan-Wi, White Buffalo Calf Woman. In her hands she carried a large bundle and a fan of sage leaves. She wore her hair loose except for a strand at the left side, which was tied up with buffalo fur. Her eyes shone dark and sparkling, with great power in them.

For further reading click here

The Magick of Food 6



Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life



So let’s start this article with a little Poetic Medicine……


An Ode to Garlic

Oh Garlic, what homage

can we bring you

and your graced state

of bulbousness?

Packed tightly into

your little white dome

we want to break you open

and spread your cloves like

shining white pebbles onto

the shores of our meals.

Continue reading this beautiful poem by

By Lara Kirsten


‘Eat no onions nor garlic, for we are utter sweet breath, and I do not doubt but hear them say, it is a sweet comedy’

-William Shakespeare in a Midsummer Night’s Dream.


A wonderfully pungent herb that has been known for its ability to ward off vampires and the like, is considered a staple in many people’s diets around the world. My nona would always hang a big bunch of garlic by the door, mentioning it was to keep the bad eye out. As a child never really knew what that meant. I do now and a bunch of garlic is always hanging in my kitchen.

As a main feature in our culinary world, the humble garlic demands its presence in the medicinal home apothecary because of its numerous benefits. With all these wonderful components combined and its availability and accessibility garlic is renowned as a superfood and hailed for its healing properties since ancient times. Hypocrates the father of medicine swore by its healing properties, curing anything from infection to leprosy.

As a member of the Lily family, garlic is the cousin to onions, leeks and chives. It averages about 2 inches in height and consists of small separate cloves. There really is nothing like the taste of garlic. It stimulates the palate hitting it with a hot pungent and subtle sweetness. No wonder so many have written odes and poetry to this incredible plant. I hsve added some above.

A native to Central Asia garlic has been cultivated for over 5000 years. The ancient Egyptians considered it as sacred and was placed in the tombs of Pharos for the afterlife. It was not only the food of Kings and Gods but was also given to the slaves that build the Pyramids. Its known medicinal properties made garlic a valuable commodity in the world of labor. Healthy workers meant better productivity, better productivity meant advancements, better advancements made a strong, sustainable and superior civilization.


Propagate this wonderful hardy perennial or biennial by simply planting its coves in rich, moist soil that receives plenty of sunshine.


You can add garlic to pretty much anything that is savoury. Its addition will only benefit the dish and according to medical literature your health.


Garlic bread- by mashing a couple of cloves, add some chopped herbs to about 130g of butter. Make incisions in the bread roll or baguette, insert lavish wads of the buttery herbed garlic butter, wrap in foil, place in a hot oven and heat till butter melts approximately 15 min. Unwrap foil and allow bread to crisp in oven for a further 5 min and voila- done!


Garlic provides numerous health benefits including:

  • Heart health support
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Immune booster
  • Reduces hypertension
  • Stabilizes cholesterol
  • Antibacterial and antiviral benefits
  • Anti-cancer support

It can be taken as a supplement in both capsules and powder. Fresh is best though.

Medicine for colds and flu in the winter season

This may assist in relieving sore throats because of its antimicrobial action. I love using this when I feel like I may be coming down with something.

Combine 1 part Witches Brew- fire cider (recipe below) and 1 part Honey or raw coconut sugar. Honey is best know for its antimicrobial properties that has been used since ancient times.


Often seen as an herb of protection, garlic has been used in cleansing rituals, in legend and modern times especially against vampires. Now don’t just think as vampires as blood sucking monsters. Its an energy that can come in the form of anything from psychic to microbial, this is why vampires are usually connected to things such as insanity, disease and pestilence.

In ancient Greece it was placed upon a pile of stones at a crossroads to invoke Hekate. As a powerful amulet garlic will ward off any negativity and evil energy. Now, for those who worship the Goddess Cybele, as the herb is sacred to her, it is recommended that this herb is avoided. You can also substitute garlic for wolfsbane.

Magickal Recipe


Let’s have a look at a wonderfullly healthy immune boosting and delicious way to keep the vampires at bay with this classic recipe inspired by Rosemary Gladstar back in the 70’s. Offering protection against the unseen forces. Tweek it to your liking. This herb offers wonderful protection both on a spiritual energetic level and medicinal one. Never underestimate its a ability.


Mason Jar- any jar will do.

Organic (always best), raw, apple cider vinegar, this is also filled with probiotic goodness, balancing out the good microbes in your tummy.

3 or 4 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped

2  medium onion, peeled and chopped

1or 2 small bulbs of ginger, fresh, shredded. I must admit more is better for me anyway. This is a great anti inflammatory!

1 teaspoon brown and yellow mustard seeds. These also come in black which when making for protection is a good addition.

½ teaspoon hot peppers of your liking (this is optional). This really is the spicier the better.

½ teaspoon black peppercorns or cayenne pepper.

½ teaspoon horseradish root peeled and shredded, another great anti- inflamatory.

½ teaspoon combined herbs of your choice such as cinnamon, turmeric, and rosemary I love using thyme and oregano. All of these are also antimicrobial and anti inflammatory.


  • Combine all the ingredients, fill a jar.

Pour the Apple Cider Vinegar over the contents to cover.

Cap, label, shake daily for a few weeks, storing in a cool, dark place.

Strain use cheese cloth or fine mesh fabric.

Pour into amber bottles and label for storage.

Use as a salad dressing ingredient, combine with oil, add to rice and other grains, I love this on steamed asparagus.

Take as take as a tonic especially during the winter months.

Shelf life is about several months. I love making this is small batches.


Most importantly please follow your doctors medical advice. The above information is general advice only and not to be in place of your usual medical treatment. 


What type of Witch are you?

There are different types of witches so do you know which one you are? I feel its important to define what a “witch” is. To me, its somebody that practices witchcraft. With that being said, I don’t feel that you have to follow any certain religion to be a witch or practice witchcraft.

I will not go over all witch types here but the ones I feel is mostly used.

  1. Solitary Witch is someone who is not in a coven and practices rituals and spells alone. They either prefer not to join a coven or maybe its because they do not have one that resonates with them. They can use different paths and may or may not use witchcraft as part of their spiritual path.
  2. Traditional Witch is a someone who takes the historical route. They look at various ways such as witch trials, grimoires, historical accounts, and witch lore. This is how they lay their foundation for doing their spell work or rituals.
  3. Hereditary Witch is someone that is born into a family that practices witchcraft. Knowledge is passed down through generations and each one may practice in their own way.
  4. Eclectic Witch is someone who takes different ways from different witchcraft traditions, rituals, etc.
  5. Hedge Witch is someone that works with subtle spaces and the spirit world. A Hedge witch works with the liminal spaces and the spirit realm.
  6. Kitchen Witch is someone uses their home and surroundings as their sacred space. They focus on their food and cooking by putting energy into each meal. They may have their own herb garden.
  7. Green Witch is someone that are nature based. They are usually in-tune with each season and use natural material to create their own tools. They usually perform spell work or rituals outside.
  8. Cosmic Witch is someone that uses astrology in their witchcraft. They follow the alignment of the planets and usually they perform their spells and rituals  based on the position of the planets and moon.

Now, I will share what I do. I am Hereditary Witch, but I am also an Eclectic Witch and a Hedge Witch. I incorporate many different things, especially Native American.

I hope you enjoyed the post today…

Blessed be,


Continuation of the story ….

I met my girlfriend when she facebooked me and asked about the rumors of me being transgender. As we talked more and more she said she wouldnt mind dating a transgender  person if I was interested so we got to know one another and she invited me to Indy Pagan Day where her coven was putting on a ritual.  It sounded like a good time and I was exploring alternate religions so I went out and attended the event and also attended her ritual.  I enjoyed the pomp and circumstance of the ritual  coming from a Catholic background and it increased my interest in pagan holidays and esbats.  We talked later and I let her know I would be willing to attend another ritual as they did most of their rituals publicly if her.

The next open ritual that they had was Samain and I was hooked, we attended the ritual I enjoyed myself as far as the learning process went and enjoyed the other people in the group.  After this ritual though things started going south for me and the girlfriend and we broke up right before Yule and because of this I only attended one ritual with her coven.  At the time I was hoping to continue the process with her coven but as the timed passed I saw that this was not going to be possible because of the drama.

This caused me to explore other options for my spirituality and I found an online coven to belong to for my education and a guild in a different city for my socialization.  I still do almost nothing witchy in Indianapolis, Indiana because I do not want to run the chance of running into my ex girlfriend.

I have written before on the differences between a guild and a coven and would be more than willing to answer questions in either area.  I will also take question on my transgender journey.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day, sun has come out here, and it is fairly warm for the end of December

Dawn of the Day

A newbie witch explaining her path

Well everyone its Dawn of the day again, Last time we spoke we talked about the difference between a guild and a coven as I have belonged to both.  Today I thought I would take a different look and talk about some of my first steps on the path.

One of the reasons I was drawn to the pagan path in my early exploration was that I was not happy with the mainline religions and the discrimination they showed to the LGBT community.  I tried to live my life correctly by Christian standards for 45 years belonging to their religions, worshiping as they wanted, and even buying in that being trans was not wrong as long as I did not dress in the clothes that I found were most comfortable.

When i reached about 45 i started my “mid life crisis” where I wanted to start dressing more in the clothes that I found proper and was in such a place that I was willing to give up family, friends, social organizations, religion and even my job as a high school teacher.  The other choice for this though was death, I had already picked out the where and how I just had to decide the when.

About this time two things happened just about in unison, one was that I decided to go see a therapist to determine exactly what i was, within two appointments I was diagnosed as trans and told I could start hormone replacement as soon as i wanted.  The second was that I meet a witch and lover and with her help we started exploring the pagan/wiccan path.

Even though the relationship ended badly and I do not care to ever see her again she did show me a religion that was accepting of everyone and one that I did not have to pretend to be someone else for.  Through her guidance she put me on the first steps of my wiccan path which has increased my knowledge of the gods and and how to better work with the goddess as I move down my path of life.


More tomorrow

Dawn of the Day

Psychic Shield

We all need to protect ourselves from unwanted energies that we pick up from others, so today I thought I would share with you a modality that is completely mine that you can use on a daily basis to protect yourself in your path of being a witch.

When we pick up others energies, we are taking on their emotions and moods. This shield should be practice at lease once a day, so either in the morning or at night, whichever is best for you.

Start by getting comfortable, and a place you will not be disturbed. Start by closing your eyes and releasing tension or anxiety as much as you can.

Now visualize a purple light surrounding you, starting at the top of your head and then flowing down your entire body, through your heart Chakra down into your feet and then releasing into Mother Earth.

Now remember the purple light will get stronger and stronger and it is filling your body and its origin comes from the Goddess and God of your choice.

Next you will let the purple light come back up into your feet and then it surrounds your entire body into an oval shape, expanding out from your body. As the light forms around your body it encases you and it stretches out for 2 inches, then four inches, then 6 inches out from your body.

Now, affirm this statement: “The power of the Universe has surrounded me. Therefore the purple light around my aura is strong and protected, whereas it will repell any and all unwanted energy from others. I am safe within the boundaries of this purple light and nothing can harm or affect me. So mote it be!”

Now image the purple light going into the Universe, but the protection shield around you will remain enforced.

Now severe the rest of the energy by placing your hands about your head and slowly coming down and touching Mother Earth.

This is a very strong modality that I can up with about six months ago and it is very strong. I use it daily.

Blessed Be,


Christmas..Witches..Oh my!

The legend of Befana began thousands of years ago and remains to this day a tradition practised by Italian children and their families. As the story goes, one day, the three Magi left their country bearing special gifts of gold, incense and myrrh for the new-born Jesus Christ. They were guided by a star across many countries. At every village that they passed, people ran to meet them and accompany them in their journey.

But there was one old woman who did not join the Magi. She claimed to be too busy with her housework and promised to join them later when she had time. The next day, she realized her mistake and frantically ran after the Magi with gifts for the child, still clutching her broom. But it was too late – the Magi were long gone.

To read more click below:

More info:

Blessed Be!

Non-Ordinary Reality is No Nonsense

Enchanted Circle of Witches®


By Hypatia Of Alexandrea

Written for Coven Life


Walking between the 2 worlds is never an easy task with one foot in each. What does that mean? Every single person whether magical or not experiences this to some extent. Some experience this in their dreams whether sleeping, lucid or just day dreaming. Others call it “Déjà vu”.

For those of you who are familiar with Castaneda’s books on Shamanism back in the 70’s, he draws from his experience of living with Shamans in the Amazons and their traditions that have been practiced for thousands of years. He delves into the world of Non- Ordinary Reality ( N.O.R)  as experienced by many spiritual practitioners before them throughout different cultures and throughout time.

N.O.R is not exclusive to one form of spiritual belief but a universal wisdom practiced for eons throughout humanity.

Ordinary reality

So let’s begin with explaining Ordinary…

View original post 984 more words

The Magick of Food 5



Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life



Basil is the king of herbs. Here we enter the land of royalty in herb law. The word origins come from the Greek word meaning king or emperor.

A member of the mint family, basil is native and spread throughout the tropical regions from Central Africa to South East Asia. Its texture is tender with a pungent intoxicating aroma that is used in cuisines worldwide.

The Many Beliefs of Basil

The many beliefs about the herb ranged and ranges from, the ancient Greeks placing it in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe passage to the underworld. In India it is dedicated to the Gods Vishnu and Krishna. In ancient Egypt they would embalm their dead. In Mexico it is carried around for prosperity and wealth. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that it was a symbol of malice and lunacy. Pliny a Roman scholar believed that it was an aphrodisiac, it was not only given to animals for successful reproduction but also used as an herb to welcome love among couples. Basil is also gifted to new homeowners and new business owners as it attracts prosperity.


Very easy to grow basil can be grown indoors on a sunny windowsill or outdoors in a sheltered sunny position.

Eat With

Tomatoes, goats cheese, Mozzarella cheese, lemon, eggs, mint, shellfish, lamb, chicken, raspberries, strawberries, figs.


A few torn basil leaves over fresh raspberries is absolutely delicious. Add a handful of basil leaves when making strawberry ice-cream. Poach white peaches in sugar syrup and add a handful of basil leaves then serve with extra shredded basil. Make bruschetta- one of my absolute favorite as a snack with a beautiful glass of vino!

Try this recipe by clicking on the link below:


A beautiful basil Pesto Humus



The volatile oils present in the herb has many healing properties. Used in a variety of culinary preparations some of the benefits of basil include:

  • Good for digestion– It fortifies the nervous and digestive system and can be good for headaches and insomnia. Assisting with the body’s acid balance it restores the bodies PH balance. Our digestive system is a very important part of our immune system.
  • Anti-inflammatory- Eugenol, citronellol and linalool are the powerful essential oils that can help lower inflammation through their enzyme inhibiting properties. Consumption of basil could also soothe fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help lower risk of heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Wonderful as a digestive.
  • Skin benefits– applying as a facial mask by making into a paste with olive oil, or make your own basil oil, using a base oil of almond or olive, a bunch of leaves in a jar, top with base oil, seal, infuse for a few weeks, strain, ready to use.
  • Mood disorders– Known as a hormone regulator. Drink as a tea.
  • Liver support– assist with liver detoxification, awesome cleansing ability. Drinkbas a tonic. Tonic made by infusing dried basil leaves in a jar with spirits.


As if the above is not magick enough. Here I will be briefly mentioning some of its metaphysical properties. According to Paul Beyerl, Basil is associated strongly with Dragon-like Basilisk and its contemporary association with the salamanders and dragons. It is used to invoke astral and mythological creatures. One can burn basil to invoke these creatures to assist in advice, inspiration and protection.

Basil has been planted upon graves and used as incense in the ritual of the dead. I suppose this goes back to the above mentioned ancient Greeks sending off their dead with basil in their hands. I love using this herb as incense during Samhain.

One can use basil in a fertility spell work, to enhance psychic vision and used in a mojo bag for protection.