Welcome to Enchanted Circle of Witches

 Mission Statement

The website’s main purpose is to teach the many levels of witchcraft. This Enchanted Coven will take a distinct perspective on the term “Witch” and show how being a witch can be of the light. As High Priestess I will be incorporating Native Americans into this coven, and I ask any members to share their knowledge of any other beliefs they have. To have an online coven where anyone that practices The Craft will feel welcome to join us for gatherings on Esbats and/or Sabbats and/or for our open chats.

Thank you for stopping by! Grab a beverage and a snack if you want and cruise through our pages for informative and interesting articles about many different witchcraft paths and other information relating to The Old Ways/The Craft. Our site is a little unusual for a witchcraft website because as a school for new witches we also try to incorporate articles about things happening on or to Mother Earth. So don’t be surprised if you come across articles about endangered animals, or archaeological digs that have led to finding temples or cities connected in some way to The Craft or a God and/or Goddess. If you would like more information on a specific topic, please let us know by sending an email to enchantedcircleofwitches@gmail.com and we will see what we can do about getting you some information posted on the website. Please do not expect a direct email from you from your inquiry for the topic you ask about unless it has to do with becoming a student or coven member.

We come together in peace, love, and harmony as brothers and sisters to learn from and teach one another, to rejoice in honoring the Goddess and her Consort. We come from many different traditions of witchcraft to form an eclectic website and coven. We are all open-minded and try to let everyone voice to be heard. If you would like to submit an original article to appear on this website please send the article and the name you would like to use for us to give credit to the author. We will send you an email telling you if it was accepted to be posted or not. If we are not going to post it we will explain why. Send your article for consideration to enchantedcircleofwitches@gmail.com Please put “Article for Consideration” as the subject line. Thank you.

We offer Novice and Adept courses. For more information on novice and adept classes or on becoming a coven member scroll over “Enchanted Online School/Member” and click on the course or coven membership, you are interested in, in the drop-down box. 

Under no circumstances do we do any type of spells and/or rituals for individuals. So please do not even ask us if we would.