Four Ways Your Energy Animal Can Appear to You

Animals. We share our world with them, we have them as pets, and they can be a source of comfort and love. Animals can also be spiritual guides for us during times of need or to help us grow on our spiritual path. I call them energy animals because I work with energy and animal frequency, but they’re also known as totems, spirit animals, power animals, familiars, and animal spirit guides. All of these terms describe animals that guide, teach, and connect with you in order to deliver messages from the spiritual realm that you need to know at specific points in your life and on your path. Some appear for a short time, others are with us for a lifetime.

When an animal has a message for you, the energy surrounding the animal will feel different. It may feel as if the animal is staring you down, or you just intuitively know that there’s something unusual about the bird that keeps perching in trees near you, making you notice it. The animal will not give up until it gets your attention and delivers the information. If you’re not paying attention, things will start to happen that captures your awareness and makes you take notice. Your animal encounters may happen more often and with more intensity until finally you say, “What is going on?” That’s when you’ll be open to receiving the message that the animal is trying to deliver.

To read the rest of this article please click on this link:

WOTC Special Presentation on Divination With A Pendulum (Also Part 2)

The Topic Divination

Divination with a Pendulum that is

In this series we will discuss the various types of gems and crystals that can be used as pendulum and their qualities. Lady Abyss also provides some very helpful hints for getting to know your pendulum and also making your own pendulum board. This episode is full of lots of very useful information. One you can’t afford to miss!

Part 2 covers the feeding of your Pendulum


Divination with a Pendulum

In the conclusion of this series, you will learn how to properly clean your pendulum. Tips on various ways of cleansing, purification, and blessing the pendulum. Plus when it is time to retire your pendulum and how to do so. Lady A as usual get off track and tells a humorous story about giving a tarot card reading to her son and one of his friends. How she got on that, we will never know but it is funny. And we go over what has been learned in this lesson of Pendulum Divination.



Book List from “Ivy’s Pentacles”


Books to feed your mind and spirit!

These books are on a variety of subjects related to Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism. I have not read anywhere near all of them, so I warn you that most of these are not my personal recommendations. I thought that it would be better to simply compile the ones I’ve seen most recommended and let you choose the ones that sound good to you. I must let you know that I do not approve of any books that “sell” spells incorrectly, any books that try to make Wicca and Witchcraft seem all hip and trendy, any books that try to proselytize or advertise Wicca and Witchcraft as higher or better than other religions, or any books that have things in them that go against the Wiccan Rede. I *am* into easy introductions and I am not against books that cater to beginners. (I have met a lot of people who dislike “beginner” and “how-to” Wiccan or Witchcraft books because they apparently learned “the hard way” somehow, either through family traditions or through climbing the ranks in secret societies for years; they sometimes resent “secrets” being given away so easily, but I prefer knowledge to be shared.)

Here is the table of contents, though all books are listed on this page.Introductory Wiccan books* Introductory Pagan books* Intermediate Craft books* Advanced Craft books* Early books on Wicca/Paganism* The Goddess and Female Mysteries* The God and Male Mysteries* Pagan history* Rituals*Celebrations* Magick* Ceremonial magick & occult* Psychic studies* Mysticism and Meditation* Divination* Elemental Studies* Beauty & Healing* Herbalism* Shamanism* The Earth* The kitchen, home, and garden* Pagan parenting*Folklore* Mythology* Celtic studies* Pagans in other cultures* Reference* Science perspectives* Psychological perspectives* Community perspectives* Art and music perspectives* Sexuality* Non-Pagan points of view* For teens* Fiction for adults* Books for young children* Books for older children* Magazines* Web sites
Major introductory books on Wicca:

For the rest of Ivy’s suggestions please click on this link:

If you have or do read any of these books please leave a short review in the comments section of this post for other witches/pagans. This may help a novice or advance witch or for that matter, even me find a good book that will help us learn something new or different way to do something. Remember we all learn from each other and that should never stop.

Instead of the Spell of the Day, We sort kinda switched thing up. We present you with your magickal goody for March 25

Ok, we switched things around instead of a spell of the day, we gave you a magickal goody of the day. We just could resist this oldie, it is a pair of dowsing or divining rods. They have been around for centuries but it seems they have lost their place in the Craft. Oh, and just don’t think they are dowsing for water either, dowsing rods can be very magickal.


We give you a little history on them and then how to make your own. I believe you will amazed at how magickal and useful they can be.





Podcast Happenings: The WOTC Special Presentation on Elemental Witches Concludes With the Air Witch (Parts 1, 2 & 3 Now Up)

Welcome to the WOTC special presentation on the Elemental Witches. Tonight, finishes up our series with the Air Witch. Let’s see, we have covered the Fire Witch, Earth Witch and Water Witch so far. Have you found your Element yet? If not, we still have one more to go. The Air Witch is sometimes seen as flaky and airheaded by sone, the strength of the Air Witch lies in her intelligence, not her common sense. She walks around with her head in the clouds. Too often she suffers from “foot in mouth” disease…….


Exerpts from

The Elemental Witch

Tammy Sullivan, Author

Ms. Sullivan’s book is currently on sale on Grab yourself a copy today!




Chakra Clearing – An Email Share for Free e-book

I thought you may be interested in this e-book. If you do not have access to an e-reader go to and download their FREE Kindle app for computers and most type of cell phones. I enjoy most od the emails I get from Hay House U. You may want to consider subscribing to their email list or not…lol

Chakra Clearing - Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal
By Doreen Virtue
Dear Friend,

I am so excited to offer Doreen Virtue’s eBook, Chakra Clearing, for FREE!

Doreen VirtueDoreen teaches that when you clear away negative energy residues from fear and worry, your natural spiritual power awakens. This innate power allows you to know the future, freely communicate with God and the angels, heal yourself and others, and the planet.

In Chakra Clearing, she helps guide you through meditations and visualizations to clear your chakras, which activates your natural healing and intuitive abilities.

Get Your Free eBook

Within these pages, you’ll discover powerful meditations and visualizations to clear your chakras. You’ll also learn angel therapy and other methods to clear your chakras. And, finally, how to do chakra and aura scanning for yourself and others.

You will discover that you are filled with light, love and intelligence and how these characteristics are the essence of pure energy. The major chakras you will learn about are:

  • Root: Base of the spine
  • Sacral: 3 to 4 inches below the solar plexus
  • Solar Plexus: the halfway point between the “earthly” chakras and the higher ones
  • Heart: Chest
  • Throat: Adam’s apple
  • Ear: Above the ears, inside the head
  • Third Eye: Between the eyes
  • Crown: Inside the top of the head
Get Your Free eBook

Once you clear your chakras, you can embrace spirituality to its fullest and be in cleansing contact with your angels and the divine.

Wishing you all the best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House

Hay House Online Learning


Adapted from The Wiccan Bardo by Paul Beyerl)




I must pursue my highest ideals

I must aspire to the highest of ethics

I must demand integrity of myself

I must always keep my word


I must cultivate self-discipline

I must LIVE the Hermetic Principle

I must seriously contemplate the ramifications of Reincarnation & Karma


I must respect the astral realms

I must approach ritual with reverence and care

I must respect ritual work as an act of love and beauty.


I must take sole responsibility for all the events and circumstances in my life, in the knowledge that I have created them all for my own development.

I must strive to cultivate a sense of humour and of humility.

I must avoid all negativity, firstly in my thinking and as a consequence, in my life.


I must live in harmony with the Earth Goddess – Gaia.

I must cultivate a global perspective.

I must serve my community, both locally and globally, being of help to all people.


I must be willing to defend my religion.

I must provide for the safe future of my ritual tools, should I be taken by death

From Witches of The Craft

The WOTC Spell of the Day for March 22 – A Spell to Strengthen Your Psychic Shield

Welcome to this episode of Spell of the Day for March 22nd. Today’s spell is a Spell to Strengthen Your Psychic Shield. Whether you are just starting out in the world of the Craft or a seasoned practitioner, you know how important it is to always shield yourself, your home, your property and basically anything you care about. Shielding offers you protection from the unknown and in the world of magick, you never know what is lurking around the corner.


This is a very simple spell, it can be casted by the newcomer to the Craft that feels somewhat threatened or just wants protection in the new world they are entering. Either way, we all need quick and simple shielding spells and this is definitely that and I should add a good one also.



Celtic Magic

D. J. Conway

You can many of Ms. Conway’s books on sale on or at any of your local bookstores.