Angel Messages + Goddess Ishtar for the week of 1 February 2021

The Angels recommend that you do this…. so you can receive some gifts!

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Mantra for this week: I am changing in a positive way!

Happy Imbolc to all!
The Silver Sage Witch of

Wheel of the Year

Click on this link to Esty if you are interested in purchasing this Wheel of The Year

Imbolc Charm Bags



Written for Coven Life

On 03/02/2020

By Priestess Hypatia


Creating seasonal charms is one of my favorite types of spell work.  You can generally make them from things you may already have on hand, or easily pick up at your local craft and nursery stores. The best ingredients are from my random collectables I have gathered from Nature Herself.

Spells crafted at this time of the year focus new beginnings, fresh starts and new growth. Think of it as the New Moon Phase. Ostara is like the waxing moon where you take action and Beltane is the time you see the manifestation, so you can compare this to the Full moon phase.

Set Your Intention

So before we start crafting the Charm bag for Imbolc let’s set our intention-

You can either choose a specific project or goal you want to manifest or you can focus on general new beginnings. For a specific goal, I would recommend adding at least one or two elements to these ingredients to give the spell focus.


  • Small piece of clear quartz, preferably charged at the new moon
  • Pine needles- purification
  • Cinnamon sticks- power
  • Nettles- strength in overcoming obstacles
  • Daffodil petals- fertility
  • Dandelion puffs – making wishes come true
  • White muslin or sheer sachet to place the ingredients in


  1. Light a couple of white candles, or one of your favorite scented candles
  2. Take the pine needles in your hands and rub them to release the scent. Sprinkle the pine needles in the bag and say: “I cleanse and bless this spell, home and hearth”. I also like to put a couple of drops of fir pine essential oil in.
  3. Place the cinnamon stick and quartz in bag and say: “To lend power to this spell”.
  4. Place the daffodil petals in the bag and say: “To create a fresh start and a fertile beginning”
  5. Sprinkle the Nettles and say: “ This is to overcome obstacles on my path to realization of manifesting my intentions”
  6. Now tie the bag and place somewhere such as your lingerie drawer or our car glove compartment.

The above ingredients is just a sample of the endless possibilities that are accessible to you. It depends on your intentions. Rose quarts for love and friendship, Ginger root for fire and power, violet for protection, you get the gist.  Remember to research your ingredients and understand that their energy represents your intention needed.

Celebrate Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere with Rituals



Image care of  Wicca Daily


Depending on your particular tradition, there are many different ways you can celebrate Imbolc. Some people focus on the Celtic goddess Brighid, in her many aspects as a deity of fire and fertility.

Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It’s also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities.

To continue reading about how to do Imbolc Rituals

Some Images of Brigid or Brighid and Links to More Information

These images come from To see more images of the goddess Brigid or Brighid please click on this link: Brigid Triple Goddess  Irish Goddess Brigid

This images com from to see more symbols related to Brigid please click on this link: Brigid Symbols


To learn how to make Brigid/Brighid cross please click on this link: How to Make a Brigid/Brighid Cross

To read other articles about Brigid/Brighid please click on any of these links: Brigid/Brighid and Sabbat Imbolc  Celtic Goddess Brigid/Brighid  Celtic Goddess and Catholic Saint

On the Sabbat Imbolc (Celebrated on February 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere and on August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere) also called Candlemas the Goddess Brigid is celebrated by many by making candles for home and magical usage. Here is a link to a general search for Imbolc: Imbolc a.k.a. Candlemas

If you are interested in learning some ways to make your own candles please put the word “Candle” in the search box on our Homepage. You will probably have to scroll through and click on “Older Posts” to find the information you want. Also here is a link of a general search for different ways of candle making: Candle Making at Home

Youtube videos on candle making: Candle Making Videos

WARNING: Candle making can be very dangerous. Please pick a time you will not be disturbed by anyone in the kitchen while working with the very hot wax. I recommend children under the age of 12 years old do not help with the candle making in any way as a safety precaution.