Mabon activities

  • Do a thanksgiving circle, offering thanks as you face each direction — for home, finances, and physical health (North); for gifts of knowledge (East); for accomplishments in career and hobbies (South); for relationships (West); and for spiritual insights and messages (Center).
  • Dip colorful leaves in melted paraffin wax for altar decorations that may be enjoyed even after the celebration or attach to a wreath for your head
  • Make a dried leaf mobile
  • Make wine
  • Take a walk in a wild place with your family or circle members; Sing songs and talk about all the things you’ve done over the summer and spend time discussing other things you’ve done together in the last year; gather wild seeds and seed pods to decorate your circle for ritual.
  • Gather dried leaves, herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods
  • Scatter offerings in harvested fields
  • Offer libations to trees
  • Have a potluck feast with a group of friends and loved ones to celebrate the abundance of the season.
  • Adopt someone in a nursing home. As a family, take your special person baked goodies and colored pictures. Read them books or tell them stories.
  • Walk around your neighborhood picking up garbage. Do what you can to improve your home and prepare for winter.
  • Pick a subject that interests the whole family. Go to the library or find other resources and study that subject. Together, share what you’ve learned.
  • Cut an apple in half to show the star inside. This is a reminder that all life is renewed in some way.
  • Bake cored apples filled with butter and cinnamon as a special treat.
  • Create decorations for your front door out of colored leaves, pine cones, nuts, acorns and Indian Corn bundles.
  • Honor the birds and small animals in the wilderness or by your home by making a bird feeder filled with seeds and grain.
  • Make rattles out of empty gourds and sunflower seeds or seeds collected from nature walks. Use the rattles to make music or scare away bad dreams.
  • Look at your family habits and figure out what you can do to improve your conservation habits. Can you use less water or recycle more of your garbage?
  • Go through your garden, tending it, thanking the plants and flowers for their abundance, harvesting whatever is ready-try collecting seeds of non-hybridized plants for next year
  • Make a mandala of seeds and grains on the ground, an offering of the Mother’s gifts to the animals and birds; infuse it with specific magick that will be released as the seeds are consumed or scattered.
  • Share your abundance…collect a basket of goodies from your garden or pick up a few extras when shopping at a local farmer’s market to share with a neighbor who has no garden, or who has had a rough year; gather donations of food and/or clothing for a favorite charity.
  • Arrange baskets of fresh fruit and baked goods for friends or family
  • Fill a basket with pine cones, fruits, colorful dried leaves, wheat, acorns, and fallen pine branches and leave it by your altar or door
  • Cook up a Mabon soup with carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, and/or corn