Enchanted Email Communications

We  always enjoy receiving your questions, comments, and inquiries.

As you all know we have our own private lives that require our attention. Due to this fact, we would ask you to look through the blog. See if there is a topic relating to your question or concern. If there, please leave your comment or question there. The comments you leave on the blog do directly to the back. We know every time we receive a new comment. This is probably the fastest way to get an answer to your question or your comment viewed.

If you choose to use the following contact method below, we ask just a few things.

  1. Do not write us for spells.
  2. Do not write us for rituals.
  3. Do not write us asking us to cast spells for you.
  4. Do not write us asking us to perform exorcisms.
  5. Eighteen years old is the standard age for anyone outside the Craft to begin studying. If you are not 18, then do not write to us asking for assistance on how to practice. For those interested in studying the Craft, please contact me.

Only five rules, which we feel are very reasonable. As you know, no one can write a spell or ritual for you, you have to do this yourself. There is information on the blog to do exactly that. We hope these rules don’t offend anyone but they are for our sanity. Can you imagine getting 400 requests for love spells? We can and did that why #1 exists, lol!

If you would like to make a personal comment to one of our witches, please feel free to do so. Please do not get discouraged if your email is not answered promptly. We are at time flooded with comments and it does take some time to read and answer all of them.

Below you will find High Priestess Raven Spirit Walker’s email

Coven Email:  enchantedcircleofwitches@gmail.com

High Priestess Raven’s email: highpriestessravenspiritwalker@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.