W. Q. W. – Walking Affirmations (with a crazy witchy woman)

Merry Meet, my Silver Sage Family!
Guess what?! When Pumpkin and I went walkies this morning, we saw something big and dark, trying to fly through the clouds on this cold and rainy day! We both stopped, not sure if we should move or not, because what we saw was headed straight toward us! My eyes grew large and Pumpi began to growl, low and deep in her little chest, as if she were a big dog, who was hell-bent on protecting her momma! Nooo, what we saw wasn’t an airplane, or a helicopter. It looked to be a Magickal baby dragon, snorting out sparkle-filled-fire balls as it awkwardly, flapped it’s wings as if it was just learning how to fly. 😉
Yep, I used the Palo Santo again…..it makes me so happy and even weirder than normal…..LOL!!

Sooo, in today’s episode of W.C.W., we’re gonna be checking out how to do WALKING AFFIRMATIONS! Be sure to watch until the end so you can laugh, smile, and possibly learn something that is REALLY helpful! 🙂 I’m so glad you’re here, my Silver Sage Family!

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Positive thought for you: Smile and be silly if you feel like it because it’s good to hang out with your inner child!
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas! (whichever one fits….smiles)
The Silver Sage Witch of

W.Q.W. Fire Spell For Success Step by Step

One of my Step By Step Fire Spell/Rituals For Success is what I’ll be showing you on this episode of Witch Quickie Wednesday! Yeaaah baby OYeaaaah! 🙂

I’d like to introduce you to Draako, my pet Dragon who loves to snooze on and off during the day. He normally goes out hunting for the bad people of the night, those who harm the innocent and helpless ones that I care so much about! When I come in my Silver Sanctuary to get some work done the next day, he pretends to be sleeping so he doesn’t have to answer my intrusive questions such as, “Soooo, Drakie, what were you up to last night?” Smiles…

Please WATCH (my video), LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT (on my YouTube channel), Thaaaaanks!

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If you’d like, please do subscribe to my channel, it sure would make my day even better:

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😉 Still need more? Click here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/blog-2/

Stay safe and healthy.
Peace and Positive Dragon Magick to you,
The Silver Sage Witch of

Witch Quickie Wednesday – My Cleansing Spiritual Bath

Merry Meet Magickal Souls, it’s time to take a peek into my bathroom because I’ll be showing you a bit about my Cleansing Spiritual Bath.

Order your personalized Angel Messages and Channeling with me here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/divinat…

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUjo…

All of my hand-made products are available here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/enhance…

Bright Magickal Blessings to you,
The Silver Sage Witch of

The Four Quarters or Corners

In This Article:  What are the Quarters?  •  How are the Quarters Called?  •  Deosil vs. Widdershins

What are the Quarters?

The ‘Quarters’ often refer to the elements of nature that are forces honored by Pagans and Witches. They are named many things, but you will often hear them referred to as corners, quarters, Watchtowers, elements, Elementals, etc. All of these related titles have different meanings and represent different forms of energy.

As with nearly everything in the Craft or in Paganism, these forces are seen differently by each individual. This is a general explanation of what they are and how they are ‘called’. Above all else, research and explore all the opinions you can acquire, but remember that you are your own best teacher and there is no substitute for personal experience.

Many people feel that the pentacle represents the four elements, with the practitioner, the divine, ‘spirit’, ether, or akasha residing above the rest as represented by the top point. This demonstrates how the Witch, or the divine within the practitioner, guides the elements or forces. This is just one interpretation of the pentacle or of how elements are viewed in relation to the Witch.

To read the rest of this article from Pagan Path please click on this link: http://paganpath.com/study/library/trads/167-watchtowers

Celebration of the Four Elements

Lori Toye, author of the “Earth Changes” series of books writes in her blog of the Celebration of the Four Elements.  It is a time of “The Legend and Myth of Shamballa-the Etheric City of White.”

I find that I enjoy decorating my altar at this time of year to follow along with the celebration of Shamballa.  I feel it gives me a greater connection with the four elements.  In her series of books, she gets into the various meanings of the Seven Color Rays of Light and Sound…and I like to incorporate them in my altar for Shamballa by using candles of those colors.

Her blog post about Shamballa can be found at this link:  http://iamamericaearthchanges.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-legend-and-myth-of-shamballa.html

More information about the Color Rays can be found at this link:  http://loritoye.com/Media/sevenraysoflightandsound.pdf 

© 2015 Wolf Woman Ways




“Shining bright against the sky,
they never seem to fade or die
And as they glow throughout the night,
Round the world they go in flight”
-Peter Fein

~ Three Stages of Life by Klimt

There were many symbols sacred to the Celts. The number three was evident in many of their spiritual practices,
for instance, the three worlds:

The Upperworld (Sky)

The Middle World or Earth (Land)

The Lowerworld or Underworld (Sea)

The Celts determined that the rise to the Summerland was by accessing the Sky, while entrance into to the Lowerworld or Underworld was admitted through the Sea or by mounds known as Sidhe (shee). The Underworld does not refer to ‘hell’ as the Christian beliefs, but rather a place of rest to await and be reborn. The Celts did not believe in an all-evil entity such as the Christian devil.

Reincarnation seems to be one of the most controversial spiritual topics of our time. Hundreds of books are being published on the subject as if the Western world had only recently discovered this ancient doctrine.

Reincarnation is one of Wicca’s most valuable lessons. The knowledge that this life is but one of many, that when the physical body dies we do not cease to exist but are reborn in another body answers many questions, but raises a few more.

Why? Why are we reincarnated? In common with many other religions, Wicca teaches that reincarnation is the instrument through which our souls are perfected. One lifetime isn’t sufficient to attain this goal; hence, the consciousness (soul) is reborn many times,each life encompassing a different set of lessons, until perfection is achieved. Perhaps being an “old soul” means one is a slow learner. No one can say how many lives are required before this is achieved. We are human and its easy to get caught up in our day to day dramas.

A man could even become his own daughter by dying before she is born and then entering her body at birth. Some tribes avoid eating certain animals because they believe that the souls of their ancestors dwell in those animals.


In Wicca, we seek to strengthen our bodies, minds and souls.We certainly live full, productive earthly lives, but we try to do so while harming none, the constant One upsmanship, intimidation and looking out for number one slows this journey down.


The soul is ageless, sexless, non-physical, possessed of the divine spark of the Goddess and God.Each manifestation of the soul(i.e: Each body it inhabits on earth) is different. No two bodies or lives are the same. If this wasn’t so,the soul would stagnate.The sex, race, place of birth,economic class and every other individuality of the soul is determined by its actions in past lives and the lessons necessary to the present.


As an aid in learning the lessons of each life, a phenomenon exists which has been called karma. Karma is often misunderstood.It is not a system of rewards and punishments,but a phenomenon that guides the soul toward evolving actions. Thusly, if a person performs negative actions, negative actions will be returned.Good brings good.With this in mind, there’s little reason to act negatively.



Karma means action,and that’s how it works. It is a tool, not a punishment. There’s no way one can “wipe out”karma, and neither is every seemingly terrible event in our lives a byproduct of karma.


We learn from karma only when we are aware of it. Many look into their past lives to discover their mistakes,to uncover the problems inhibiting progress in this one. Trance and meditation techniques can help here, but true self-knowledge is the best means of accomplishing this.


What happens after death? Only the body dies. The soul lives on.Some Wiccans say that it journeys to a realm variously known as the Land of the Faerie ,the summerland, and the land of the young. This realm is neither in heaven nor the underworld. It simply is-a non-physical reality much less dense than ours. Some Wiccan traditions describe it as a land of eternal summer, with grassy fields and sweet flowing rivers, perhaps the earth before the arrival of humans. Others see it vaguely as a realm without forms, where energy swirls coexist with the greatest energies-the Goddess and God in their celestial identities.


One day you may “know”, not believe, that reincarnation is as real as a plant that buds, flowers, drops its seed, withers and creates a new plant in its image. Reincarnation was probably first intuited by earlier peoples watching nature. Until you’ve decided for yourself, you may wish to reflect upon and consider the doctrine of reincarnation.


~ Vienna by Klimt


“We are not human-beings having a spiritual experience,
but we are spiritual-beings having a human experience.

~ Deepak Chopra


~ The Waiting by Klimt

Where we come from, where we go . . . beyond punishment and judgments there is acceptance and unconditional love, from where we separated us. Life never starts, never ends, just its expression does change, which makes us believe we die, or we take birth.

All the ancient peoples of the world believed in the reality of reincarnation and a majority in this world still does. Buddhists, Hindus, Druids, Celts, Britons, Gallics, Platonists, Pythagoreans, many gnostic Christians, are only some of the people that hold to this doctrine. Add the Inca and Maya civilizations, the old Egyptians, the Roman poets Vergil, Lucretius, Horatio, the Stoics, and the list is still not completed! Also the Jewish Sohar, the famous Kabbalistic book, contains references to reincarnation.
