Coven Life on Facebook

Coven Life has a page and a group on Facebook. Please check them out as other people post on both things so you may learn something new that you won’t see on the website.

The page is for anyone anywhere to look at.

Coven Life’s Facebook Page

This is a closed group so people can feel more comfortable posting or comment on it without friends and family seeing it.

Cove Life’s Open Forum on Facebook

Public Service Announcement About Coven Life’s Chat Room

Just a reminder to all of Coven Life’s students and members the chat room is usually available for you to use to talk with another coven member whenever you want to. Remember though it is not a place to try and get a date with someone. Other then that and the chat room guidelines talk about whatever you want whenever you want.

A few safety rules NEVER post:

Your last name(do not use this as part of your screen name either)

Any part of your home or work address except the state or country you live in

Your phone number

A picture of yourself or home

Your email address

The reason for these safety measures are to keep you and your family safe just in case we get someone in a chat or gathering who’s only reason for attending is to gather very personal things about our members and guest that may cause something bad to happen to you or your family.

Quick Rituals to Start Your Day With

I’m taking the day off due to some family stuff but I wants to bed you something new. I will be back tomorrow with The Moon Signs – Part 2. Have a beautiful Friday and remember magick is all around us and inside ourselves all w have to do is believe in it and we see it.

Blessed be dear ones.

Who Are the Wiccan Horned God and Triple Goddess?

The Horned God and Triple Goddess are generally the deities you’ll hear people associate with Wicca, but these very same concepts generate a lot of confusion. You’ll read a lot of books that will tell you the Horned God is like this, or the Triple Goddess is like that. There are a lot of oversimplifications and generalizations going on with these descriptions. Many Wiccan sources also refer to the Lord and Lady as well, or “The” God, and “The” Goddess (the article “the” implying they’re specific deities). This leaves people to wonder— to whom, exactly, are we referring when we use these terms?

Wicca, being a 20th century religion, is fairly unique in one way: we don’t actually have our own deities. That is, our religion wasn’t built around veneration of any specific deities of our own—we worship Pagan Gods and Goddesses of other ancient cultures in a new and modern world. We do not have our own unique pantheon, nor do we believe our religion was revealed to us by deities.

So, who are these characters, then, that you’ll find peppered throughout Wiccan books and websites? Who is the Horned God or the Lord or the God? Who is the Triple Goddess, the Lady or the Goddess? Let’s have a look.

Written by:
Mackenzie Sage Wright

 A Wiccan of 25 years, Sage likes to put her background as a writer and teacher to use by helping people learn about this NeoPagan path.
To read the rest of this informative article please click on this link: Horned God and Triple Goddess