The Night Sky Will Never Be the Same

Not only have we raped, pillaged and disrespected Mother Earth for centuries upon centuries, in the last approximately 8 decades human kind found a way to make the outer atmosphere and Our Lady of The Moon’s surface a garbage can. Now a company wants to put about 200 more man-made satellites encompassing Mother Earth from space.

I may not have an advanced degree in science but I do have common sense. In my opinion “Global Warming” may not be as bad as it is if it was not for the fact that our Lord Sun God and Lady Moon Goddess cannot work in harmony and in tandem with Mother Earth as well as with each other with the garbage many countries and a few private citizens have left just floating around until they lose momentum and than fall somewhere on Mother Earth when they piece of trash can no longer maintain its orbit around her.

So I plan to write to the company mention in the link below to ask what impact blocking more of the Sun Gods rays from making it into our atmosphere. How is he suppose to help nurture all living things on Mother Earth? How is our Lady Moon Goddess suppose to work correctly to bring the tides in and out among other things?

Mother Earth, the Sun God, and Moon Goddess love all living things and creatures living on her with unconditional love providing many things we as humans, flora, fauna, animals that walk or slither or fly or swim need to continue living. How soon will more species go extinct because of the way humans treat a planet we should protect and live in harmony with? Actually if I was Mother Earth, the Sun God, and Moon Goddess I would have wiped out all humans as soon as they quit living in harmony with the energy flows of Mother Earth, chalk it up to a very bad experiment and start the human race again from caves with little nudges to love the land as unconditionally as it loves us. I would hope the Gods and Goddesses the second or third time around, as we can gather from written history of the times humans were almost completely wipe off the whole of Mother Earth, to develop advance space travel without leaving waste and many other things such as never allowing a fossil fueled automobile to be invents but only an electrical ones, to use natural ways to heat our homes or cool them off, mainly to rebuild civilization that is hand in hand with keeping Mother Earth as clean and pollution free as possible.

Please do not take what I am saying here as I would not miss some of the modern conveniences that we have I am not ready to go live “off the grid” somewhere but I just wish we would fine alternative ways for them to run. Although in some ways I do like the thought of being some of the first people to populate our home planet that still to this day try their very best to live in harmony with all living things we share the wonderful planet with. I am looking forward to when my husband retires in a few years of moving to a place where we can live in closer harmony with the land and all living things.

The Night Sky Will Never Be the Same

Week 3 – More Information on and Images of Gaia

This is a link for a general search for the Goddess Gaia, there are a few different spellings of her name as there are with all Gods and Goddesses.

Gaia Information

Gaia’s image has been depicted in many ways through different cultures so explorer the images until one jumps out at you like your idea of what she may look like.

Gaia Images

When I am asked what kind of Witch I am, first let me say I really do not like to label anyone as one type of Witch or another because to me that is narrow-minded thinking, but my answer is, “I’m an Earth Witch.” Because I work a lot with Gaia in her form as Mother Earth and the Triple Goddess. I can feel her wax and wane during the seasons of the year and my spirit, mind, and body flow along with her. I suppose in Neo-Pagan terms, I am an Eclectic Witch.

I also work with the Moon Goddess Luna or The Triple Goddess depending on what I am doing and when. I just never think or picture Luna as a Crone. The reason I work with her is she and Gaia work in a beautiful dance of harmony to help all living beings on this planet to live.

As for Gods, my main go to for many things is Ra especially if I am doing a spell and/or ritual during the day. He also works in harmony with Luna and Gaia to keep the planet we live on not to hot or cold and offers us his light. His light and warmth are very important during the growing seasons to help ensure a bountiful harvest. Whichever name for the Sun God you prefer is fine.

From Gaia, Ra, and Luna the elements of Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Spirit are possible.

The above mentioned Gods and Goddesses are who I prefer to work with. Each person needs to find the deity or deities they find it easiest to work with most of the time. There are times to branch out to different ones that may help with a specific spell and/or ritual. Example when I doing healing work I call upon Kwan Yin (oriental Goddess) and Sirona (Celtic Goddess) to work through me to help whoever I am sending healing to.